Courses by Category


Change Management - Change and how to deal with it Featured

Learning Objectives:

 -  Understand change.

-   Describe how to implement a change program

-   Identify and overcome obstacles to change 

-   Use the knowledge gained, to contribute with effective change in your organization

-   Understand the impact of change in the organization

-   Understand the requirement for a sound change process within the organization


Learning Objectives:


What is Change?

Drivers For Change

The Change-Adept Organization

Types of Change

Dimensions of Change

Preparing For Change

Resistance To Change & Why Change Doesn’t Work

Dealing with Ambiguity

Why Do We Need More Change Leaders

Focusing The Change Effort

Real Change Leaders

Fighting Complacency

Communicating & Implementing Change

Communicating The Change

Common Mistakes

Critical Control Points In Change

Stakeholder Involvement

Implementing Change

Coping With Change

Why Does Change Fail?

